Meager Musings of Mudfish

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Home Sweet Dome!

GO SAINTS! That was an awesome game last night! I mean what a great homecoming. I just have a few comments about last night’s game.

Thumbs Up to the Saints: You boys played a good game and I’m proud of you! This is our year man! This is our year to win the Superbowl. First, we are 3-0 in the regular season. That’s right – Undefeated! The team is genuinely good this year and we finally have a competent coach. Second, we have the first completely sold out season in our franchise history. The people in N.O. don’t have much else, so they are concentrating on the team. And most importantly, we suffered a national disaster. Let’s face it, we’ve earned it. They gave it to the Patriots after 9/11 so obviously this year is all about the Saints.

Thumbs Down to ESPN: Please do not take the camera off the game to put it on the dorky announcers in the booth. I don’t mind if you have boring chit chat and commentary with Spike Lee, but I don’t need to watch you do it. I would rather have seen why that flag was thrown. I do appreciate how much you pushed Katrina related charities; however, I was tuned in for one reason only – to see my team kick some major ass!

Thumbs Up to the Rich and Famous: That right, I’m talking to you Spike Lee, George Bush, and all the others that I don’t remember. Thank you for coming and spending your money in our city, for staying in our hotels and eating our food. Thanks for the pep talks to the team and cheering them to victory. But mostly, thanks for your money!

Thumbs Down to the Entertainment: Green Day you are DEAD to me! That pre-game “entertainment” was horrible. First of all, you collaborated with U2, who has been dead to me for many many years, then together you butchered part of ‘House of the Rising Sun.’ And I won’t even mention the cover of ‘The Saints are Coming.’ As we listened, Zack said "This is like a train wreck of dorkiness," and I agree. Needless to say, we couldn’t stomach the half-time encore performance.


  • Well said!
    I was thinking the exact same thing during the interview with Spike. What the heck just happened with the flag?!
    Who needs this crap? And whats with the HUGE scoreboard icon in the middle of the damn screen? Put it up in the corner where it belongs.
    Also, thats it. I hope they have gotten all the Katrina crap out of their system because I am officially done with it! Let's get down to some winning football because we have a good team, good fan base and a great coach. Finally. And not because we were hit by a hurricane.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:38 AM  

  • It's football!

    What they really needed was more Cowbell.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:24 AM  

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