Meager Musings of Mudfish

Monday, September 11, 2006

Greatest Characters of Film - Well Almost

I found this article on where they outlined the 100 Greatest Characters of Film. I think that they did a relatively good job. They included a very large variety of films. I was reminded of films / characters that I used to love, but hadn't seen in a while (see #87 for an example.) They included characters that you have to love and some that you love to hate. Usually I don't give much thought to these lists because I find them narrow minded and completely out of synch with my own feelings. However, this one was different, I kept thinking 'Wow, good call!' They do a very good job with the commentary as well. But there is always going to be those that just don't make the cut. So below you'll find a list of characters that would have been in the list had I been in charge of things!: (in no particular order)
  • Andy Dufresne
    • Film: The Shawshank Redemption
    • Defining Moment: When he locks himself in the wardens office and broadcasts classical music to the whole prison.
    • Memorable Quote: "Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And a good thing never dies."
  • The Dude
    • Film: The Big Lebowski
    • Defining Moment: This exchange: Blond Treehorn Thug: [holding up a bowling ball] What the fuck is this? The Dude: Obviously you're not a golfer.
    • Memorable Quote: "Yeah, well. The Dude abides."
  • Kronk
    • Film: The Emperor's New Groove, Kronk's New Groove
    • Defining Moment: When he hums his own theme music, and fails terribly at not being noticed.
    • Memorable Quote: "Squeaky, uh, squeak, sqeaker, squeakin'."
  • Martin Blank
    • Film: Grosse Pointe Blank
    • Defining Moment: When he meets with his shrink the first time.
    • Memorable Quote: "No, no. Psychopaths kill for no reason. I kill for *money*. It's a *job*. That didn't come out right."
  • Kenny Davis
    • Film: Half Baked
    • Defining Moment: When he goes out for munchies, and stops to feed the horse.
    • Memorable Quote: "You guys gotta get me out of here! There's this guy Nasty Nate who wants my cocktail fruit, and everyone here likes fresh fish! Then the Squirrel Master came out of left field and told me I'm his bitch!"
  • Johnny Castle
    • Film: Dirty Dancing
    • Defining Moment: When he tries to teach Baby to dance after she carries the watermelons.
    • Memorable Quote: "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." (And yes, he's really just included because of the quote!)
  • Sally
    • Film: The Nightmare Before Christmas
    • Defining Moment: When she secretly sings to Jack in the beginning.
    • Memorable Quote: "I thought you liked frog's breath."
  • William Wallace
    • Film: Braveheart
    • Defining Moment: When he fights off the English guards that attached Murron.
    • Memorable Quote: "Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least for a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they will never take... OUR FREEDOM!"
  • David Hasselhoff (Before you all complain, I just want to say that no list is complete without the Hoff!)
    • Film: Dodgeball / The Spongebob Squarepants Movie
    • Defining Moment: Making fun of himself in cameo appearances.
    • Memorable Quote: "You are all swine! You have brought shame to your houses! Losers!"
Let me know what characters you would have put on the list, or who you would remove. (Yes, yes, I know I'm just a comment whore!)


  • Westly/The Dread Pirate Roberts
    Film: The Princess Bride

    Inigo Montoya: I donna suppose you could speed things up?
    Westley: If you're in such a hurry, you could lower a rope or a tree branch or find something useful to do.
    Inigo Montoya: I could do that. I have some rope up here, but I do not think you would accept my help, since I am only waiting around to kill you.
    Westley: That does put a damper on our relationship.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:02 PM  

  • Yes, that's good. However, Inigo Montoya is already listed at 20, and I just think there's only room for one great character per movie. I agree with the list makers that Inigo tops out Westly.

    By Blogger Jenny, at 1:20 PM  

  • It's a recent one... but he deservces his place...

    Patches O'Houlihan

    Peter La Fleur: [after Patches hits Justin in the face with a wrench] Yeah, uh, Patches... are you sure that this is completely necessary?
    Patches O'Houlihan: Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?
    Peter La Fleur: Probably not.
    Patches O'Houlihan: No, but I do it anyway because it's sterile and I like the taste.
    Peter La Fleur: ...Okay.

    By Blogger alarose20, at 3:00 PM  

  • This list is incomplete.
    All internet list, regardless of their subject, by default should contain Chuck Norris.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:06 PM  

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