Meager Musings of Mudfish

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Harry Potter = Star Wars

Ok, I was Stumbling around the net this morning, (Which I totally recommend by the way!) when I came across this image. And WOW, I can't believe this never dawned on me before. It's pretty amusing, but there are quite a few similarities between the series. There's dueling and flying, friendships and love interests, and idiots wearing black hooded robes. Each series has a wise elder who is the master of his craft. There's also the overstated theme of Good vs. Evil - Luke vs. the Dark Side and Harry vs. Dark Magic. Let's not even bring up the similarly annoying Jar Jar Binks and Dobby the House Elf. Only difference is that each of the HP movies have been better than the one before, and well lets just focus on how great the three original Star Wars movies are!

Warning: StumbleUpon may cause a huge decrease in productivity!


  • This is pretty crazy... however, what would happen if Voldemart had an affair with Lilly Potter, and he's the real father?!?!?!

    And also... I didn't see Jar Jar throwing flashy sarks out of his hands and knocking Vader off his feet b/c he threatened Luke... Jar Jar was a little bitch... Dobby's at least got potential...

    By Blogger alarose20, at 1:48 PM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:56 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:16 AM  

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