Meager Musings of Mudfish

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Home Sweet Dome!

GO SAINTS! That was an awesome game last night! I mean what a great homecoming. I just have a few comments about last night’s game.

Thumbs Up to the Saints: You boys played a good game and I’m proud of you! This is our year man! This is our year to win the Superbowl. First, we are 3-0 in the regular season. That’s right – Undefeated! The team is genuinely good this year and we finally have a competent coach. Second, we have the first completely sold out season in our franchise history. The people in N.O. don’t have much else, so they are concentrating on the team. And most importantly, we suffered a national disaster. Let’s face it, we’ve earned it. They gave it to the Patriots after 9/11 so obviously this year is all about the Saints.

Thumbs Down to ESPN: Please do not take the camera off the game to put it on the dorky announcers in the booth. I don’t mind if you have boring chit chat and commentary with Spike Lee, but I don’t need to watch you do it. I would rather have seen why that flag was thrown. I do appreciate how much you pushed Katrina related charities; however, I was tuned in for one reason only – to see my team kick some major ass!

Thumbs Up to the Rich and Famous: That right, I’m talking to you Spike Lee, George Bush, and all the others that I don’t remember. Thank you for coming and spending your money in our city, for staying in our hotels and eating our food. Thanks for the pep talks to the team and cheering them to victory. But mostly, thanks for your money!

Thumbs Down to the Entertainment: Green Day you are DEAD to me! That pre-game “entertainment” was horrible. First of all, you collaborated with U2, who has been dead to me for many many years, then together you butchered part of ‘House of the Rising Sun.’ And I won’t even mention the cover of ‘The Saints are Coming.’ As we listened, Zack said "This is like a train wreck of dorkiness," and I agree. Needless to say, we couldn’t stomach the half-time encore performance.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy there mateys. It once again be Talk Like a Pirate Day. Tis the day when even land lubbers get to speak and act like a salty sea dog. Arr, so whether ye be pillagin', plunderin', drinkin' grog with ye hearties, or sailing the seven seas 'member to keep to the code. For more info on Talk Like a Pirate Day you can visit any of the following fine sites: Talk Like a Pirate, Wikipedia, and Uncyclopedia. There also be a mighty fine How To video here.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Grocery Store Wars
      Follow the Organic Rebellion and Cuke Skywalker in their fight to save the ways of the farm! This is an awesome Star Wars parody with a really good message too.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Greatest Characters of Film - Well Almost

I found this article on where they outlined the 100 Greatest Characters of Film. I think that they did a relatively good job. They included a very large variety of films. I was reminded of films / characters that I used to love, but hadn't seen in a while (see #87 for an example.) They included characters that you have to love and some that you love to hate. Usually I don't give much thought to these lists because I find them narrow minded and completely out of synch with my own feelings. However, this one was different, I kept thinking 'Wow, good call!' They do a very good job with the commentary as well. But there is always going to be those that just don't make the cut. So below you'll find a list of characters that would have been in the list had I been in charge of things!: (in no particular order)
  • Andy Dufresne
    • Film: The Shawshank Redemption
    • Defining Moment: When he locks himself in the wardens office and broadcasts classical music to the whole prison.
    • Memorable Quote: "Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And a good thing never dies."
  • The Dude
    • Film: The Big Lebowski
    • Defining Moment: This exchange: Blond Treehorn Thug: [holding up a bowling ball] What the fuck is this? The Dude: Obviously you're not a golfer.
    • Memorable Quote: "Yeah, well. The Dude abides."
  • Kronk
    • Film: The Emperor's New Groove, Kronk's New Groove
    • Defining Moment: When he hums his own theme music, and fails terribly at not being noticed.
    • Memorable Quote: "Squeaky, uh, squeak, sqeaker, squeakin'."
  • Martin Blank
    • Film: Grosse Pointe Blank
    • Defining Moment: When he meets with his shrink the first time.
    • Memorable Quote: "No, no. Psychopaths kill for no reason. I kill for *money*. It's a *job*. That didn't come out right."
  • Kenny Davis
    • Film: Half Baked
    • Defining Moment: When he goes out for munchies, and stops to feed the horse.
    • Memorable Quote: "You guys gotta get me out of here! There's this guy Nasty Nate who wants my cocktail fruit, and everyone here likes fresh fish! Then the Squirrel Master came out of left field and told me I'm his bitch!"
  • Johnny Castle
    • Film: Dirty Dancing
    • Defining Moment: When he tries to teach Baby to dance after she carries the watermelons.
    • Memorable Quote: "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." (And yes, he's really just included because of the quote!)
  • Sally
    • Film: The Nightmare Before Christmas
    • Defining Moment: When she secretly sings to Jack in the beginning.
    • Memorable Quote: "I thought you liked frog's breath."
  • William Wallace
    • Film: Braveheart
    • Defining Moment: When he fights off the English guards that attached Murron.
    • Memorable Quote: "Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least for a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they will never take... OUR FREEDOM!"
  • David Hasselhoff (Before you all complain, I just want to say that no list is complete without the Hoff!)
    • Film: Dodgeball / The Spongebob Squarepants Movie
    • Defining Moment: Making fun of himself in cameo appearances.
    • Memorable Quote: "You are all swine! You have brought shame to your houses! Losers!"
Let me know what characters you would have put on the list, or who you would remove. (Yes, yes, I know I'm just a comment whore!)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Jesus of Jamaica

I got an email this morning from a friend with a link to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The message was good, don't get me wrong - I am a Catholic after all, and who doesn't feel for the victims of 9/11. (FYI: I will probably be going to hell for this post, but since I was probably headed that way anyhow...) It's just that I hadn't realized that Jesus was a rastafarian. I mean look at those dreads, and the red droopy eyes. Just wow, a Jamaican with the voice of the movie trailer guy. Well he is described as a great and articulate public speaker. But still, something about this just doesn't seem right, and I couldn't even get through the entire presentation because the picture was creeping me out. And why is his hair TIED IN A KNOT UNDER HIS CHIN?!?!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bambi and Thumper

I stumbled across the cutest pictures of a doe and a bunny. The two are not only great friends, they're photogenic. You can check out all the pictures here.

Props to for the cute pictures.

New York, New York!

I went to New York City for the first time a couple weeks ago. I LOVED IT!!! It is such an amazing city. It blew away all the stereotypes. OK, I'll give you the one about the taxi drivers, but it was clean, the people were friendly, and there wasn't a mugger on each street corner (relax, I didn't see ANY muggers.) There is just so much history and culture in such a small area that I find it hard to wrap my head around it. All that being said, I would not think twice about living there.

Here are some pictures from the trip:
(click to see full size)

A View of the Empire State Building from the Top of the Rock (the observation level at the top of Rockefeller Center.)
We saw the broadway show Wicked. It was fantastic!
Though I think this would have made for an interesting afternoon, we didn't have the time to stop in.
A view of Central Park from the Top of the Rock.
Time Square from atop the tour bus.
A Jackson Pollock at the Museum of Modern Art.A Picasso at MOMA.Starry Night by Van Gough!
(Way more beautiful in person than I ever could have imagined!)
A beautiful view of the financial district from the boat tour.
Two more views of the Manhattan sky line from the boat.

During our time there, we also went up to the top of the Empire State Building, visited the Guggenheim and the American Museum of Natural History, and took tours of the city including Brooklyn.